Tuesday, November 27, 2007

saltspring island

i spent all day yesterday so excited about finishing work and going to a yoga class. i needed the centering. i needed the feeling of connection. i needed to work out this nasty kink in my upper back.

there was a snowstorm, though, and i walked up to the door of the studio only to discover that the class was cancelled.
i had this moment of such disappointment. this anxiety about the fact that i had no outlet for working through some energy. no yoga. i felt as though it has been too long a time since i've had that yoga in my life. that mechanism. that external activity that brings internal understanding.

and then i started the long, slushy walk home, and began to remember that yoga is now. yoga is in so many more places than on a mat in a studio.
yoga is a space i can create in every interaction. it's about fostering and nurturing positive energy. it's about looking within yourself and looking at what's around you and cultivating respect and love and understanding and strength.
and it can be done in innumerable ways.

i walked home and stopped being frustrated for a minute. and stopped excusing myself for not having found studios to stretch in. i walked home and practiced yoga.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

“Even after all this time, the Sun never says to the Earth ‘You Owe Me.’ Look what happens with a Love like that. It lights the whole Sky.” -Hafiz