Tuesday, May 15, 2007


this is just something i wrote down the other day. it sort of summarizes what stuck with me after a lecture by a brilliant yoga instructor at the costa rica retreat...it resonated somehow.

by clinging to a sense of I, me and mine, we turn ourselves into subjects. and we misconstrue the gap between what is real and what is perceived by this objectification as lonliness. as lack. we try to fill this lack with objects. ideas of what should be there. instead of just being. realizing there is no i and you. listening honestly.

and then love shows up.

Friday, May 11, 2007

random quote

i have this written down on a little piece of paper, that i'm obviously going to lose and wanted to write it somewhere more permanant before it disappeared!

"Desire is a teacher. When we confuse desiring with having or attaining something, we move away from ourselves, away from listening, flowing, feeling, creating, and into pushing, striving, teeth-gritting, forcing way of being...
Desire becomes a place to get to rather tahn a vital energy to feel, experience and ride. It is possible to be in a state in which desire is valued not as a prelude to possession, control, or merger, but as a mode to appreciation itself."

-Mark Epstein